Go Fly a Kite!

Donn James

I’m a big fan of capitalism even as I see it running amok through the world. Capitalism is why I’m allowed to do this and, at some point, is even the reason I have clean underwear. That said I’m also in favor of us all becoming more selfless because lately it seems we have just invented problems that don’t exist to invent solutions we don’t need. How badly did we need a ‘motion sensor’ paper towel dispenser in the gas station bathroom? Was it just too difficult for the general population to figure out the directions to do it manually? Couldn’t we just have printed the instructions on the towel holder? Step 1.  Grab paper towel. Step 2. PULL. That’s really about it. Couldn’t the inventor’s time be better spent curing something? I can now unlock my car and start it from the comfort of my bed but I have to mainline a Z-Pac and live in a sweat lodge just to keep a cold from turning into pneumonia. How badly do we need the vice grip on our toothpaste so we can squeeze out every last dollop of goo that we just end up spitting in our sink? I’ve got this funny looking mole so how about we work a little harder on melanoma?
Like many of you I’m cool with the wheel, fire, electricity and every time I think of the Donner Party chewing on their neighbor’s arm, I’m happy we invented planes so I don’t get my covered wagon stuck in a bad part of town but these inventions were need-based and not profit-oriented like so much of the crap we now find on sale at Amazon. The first people who came upon fire had just learned to walk upright and they were tired of saber-toothed tiger tartare. And they didn’t do it for the money since they were still trying to invent the loincloth and most Neanderthals were still trying to bring down a T-Rex with a rock. Inventing the wheel was an even bigger deal because about 6,000 years ago we invented metal chisels and saws and started to build communities so we could all stop being gypsies but it didn’t occur to us to use part of the tree to carry the damned tree. The wheel was actually the most difficult invention when you consider that we hadn’t even invented things as simple as the toothbrush, deodorant or color film. Once they figured out how to cut a chunk of the tree trunk for a wheel, they realized without an axle all they had was a cute coffee table so they had to invent the axle. From there things went quickly and they invented the wheelbarrow which made the guy following the circus through town very happy. Since electricity is energy and nobody invented it and instead focused on harnessing it, it may not qualify here and none reading this or writing this even understand why it works, I’ll just mention that we’re all happy because it led to flashlights and the NFL network.
I think we would all be better served if people inventing spray-on tans, spray-on hair and banana slicers would be more selfless and invented things that elevated us as people. Geez, how incapable are you if you can’t slice a banana without a trip to the emergency room? New inventions and new testing would help us all advance because I’d like to visit a doctor’s office without having to turn my head and cough.

IMC has in excess of 2200 promotional products that will help you serve your client and we are adding new brand partners and products from our collections and our established retail brand partners. We believe IMC products speak for themselves and we can also show you ways to use and market them to your clients. Our products with decoration will have your customer coming back time and time again. Since introducing Waterford® Writing Instruments and MoMA years ago, IMC has presented more than 60 retail brands from global suppliers to enhance the selections you can offer your clients. We invite you to browse any of our 2,200+ products on the BRAND NEW IMC website to see items suitable for any occasion or event and pieces you can use to personalize your relationship with your clients. You can register as a distributor, track orders, upload art for virtual samples and even create your own flyers and catalogs of our products. The 2018 IMC catalog is available by request from the IMC website and is posted on the online services. We hope we had a chance to meet in Las Vegas and you had a chance to meet some of our wonderful retail partners from MoMA, Areaware, Blunt, Kikkerland, Magisso, HydAway and Dynomighty. We’ll continue to treat our clients professionally and get your orders to you…on time and on budget. You can also request our 2018 catalog using the catalog page of our website or download the PDF. And the IMC 2018.5 flyer is out and you can see those new products on our website and download a copy of the flyer. We have products for every event and if your client has invented a holiday or celebration, we can also custom-make almost anything you can dream to make your client’s event all it can be. Take a look at our YouTube channel to see some videos showcasing popular products for some ideas on how to use them. We take our business relationship seriously and we want you to enjoy, give and receive our products and be able to use them every day. We look forward to working with you and we always have ideas to make our products work for your clients. The 2018 IMC catalog is also live and available virtually at Zoomcatalog.com and on our website if you’re tired of fighting paper catalogs and it can be viewed nicely with your laptop, iPad, tablet or phone. IMC is the recognized leader in the introduction of new retail brands to the promotional product industry and has multiple design awards from both ASI and PPAI. We have promotional products for every event, show, convention, corporate store and company program that will keep your client looking to you for new ideas. What do you say…did you invent that?

About IMC

IMC is a prime manufacturer and supplier of products to the promotional products industry. We sell only to qualified promotional products distributors. ASI supplier, PPAI supplier. Our lines include our own IMC lines and 26 branded lines.
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